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Fly Fisherman Magazine 1974 March – Pre-Season


Fly Fisherman Magazine 1974 March – Pre-Season


Contents:  Trout: Wild and Tame (The anatomy of a wild trout stream.), Rainbows Under Pots of Gold (Don’t cross the Delaware, FFM field editor Lee says – fish it!), Fly Reel Types (FFM technical editor Cairns discusses basic fly reel types.), Trout With a Touch of Salt (Sea-run coastal cutthroat in British Columbia – a love affair.), New Technical Development in Fly Rods (Rod-maker Clock talks about new rod materials – including his own new rods.), Why Wait ‘Til Spring? (If you don’t ski, fish, says this wintertime Montana fly angler.) Fly Tier’s Bench – Fish the Impossible Places (The upside-down flies are back, and the inventor talks about them.), Tying the Scud (Another look at this extremely effective and increasingly popular imitation.), Assembling Rod Kits (Three-kit veteran talks about assembly of fly rod kits.), Complete Fly Fisherman (Big news on the fly-rod front.)

Issue:  March – Pre-Season 1974

Condition:  Very Good