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Fly Fisherman Magazine 1972 May – June


Fly Fisherman Magazine 1972 May – June


Contents:  A Giant Leap for the Atlantic Salmon (Danish netting of salmon is scheduled to cease.), The Time of the Caddis (The Michigan fly hatch that ain’t – a caddis, that is.), Big Tarpon (About the special equipment and skills for big saltwater gamefish.), Early Morning on the Trout Stream (A nice mix of mood and musts for the dawn trouter.), Approaches to the Coastal Cutthroat (Privileged information about British Columbia’s best-kept secret.), Iceland Salmon for Rent (Author tells about a cheap way to fish for the best.), Recent Developments in Fly Lines (Four significant advances in fly lines.), SPECIAL INSERT: The 1972 Fly Lines Recommendation Chart (Reprinted by permission of Scientific Anglers as a service to readers.), Primer of Stream Entomology-II (Midge Pupae-Feed for Trout.), Do You Know The Rules? (An article that asks the question-“Oh, yeah”.), The Stream-Watcher’s Log (Reports on expectations on major streams during next two months.) Fly Tier’s Bench – The Loop-Wing Emerged (A new approach to the emerging nymph.), Imitating the Jungle Cock (A “cock-eyed” idea from a reader.), Home-Made Fly-Tying Tools (Just what the doctor ordered for your next fly surgery.), The Complete Fly Fisherman (New products.)

Issue:  May – June 1972

Condition:  Very Good