Florida Oranges Ad 1953


Florida Oranges Ad from March 28, 1953 Saturday Evening Post.

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Florida Oranges Ad 1953Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for this amazing fruit. There is a picture of a young boy with a homemade helmet on his head. The helmet has a propeller on top and it looks like a light bulb screwed into one ear hole and the words “Space Ace” are written along the front. He is staring happily at “A full big glass of Florida Orange Juice” which the headline says you should have “For the Vitamin C you need every day!…one vitamin your body can’t store up”. The ad suggests you get it from Florida CannedFlorida Fresh-Frozen Concentrate or from Florida Fresh. The text says that this young man might not make it to Mars but having Florida Oranges will give him better health.

Source:  March 28, 1953 Saturday Evening Post.