Fleischmann’s Gin Ad 1937


Fleischmann’s Gin Ad from June 21, 1937 Life magazine.

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Black and white 5″ x 13″ ad that is for Fleischmann’s Distilled Dry Gin. This ad starts off with a copy of a “Help Wanted” ad from a newspaper. The ad says they are looking for a “Gentleman who is very particular about his drinks wishes a gin that really mixes. Does not like gin taste or odor in Tom Collins, Rickey’s, etc. State experience, wages required, age, etc. Box 246, Gazette-Times”. The ad then shows the reply. The letter goes “Dear Mr. Box 246 – I wish to apply for the position described in your advertisement in the Gazette-Times. You are just the kind of employer I like – a gentleman of discrimination. Obviously you are American, for American gentleman say gin mixes only if it neither tastes nor smells in the finished drink. I am an American -in fact, the Original American Gin and am especially made for mixing. I have many splendid references from other gentleman of distinction like yourself and am sure that I will give full satisfaction. I was born in 1870 and therefore have many years of experience. My wages are small – only a few cents for each perfectly blended Tom Collins or rickey. Respectfully yours, Fleischmann’s Gin”.

Source:  June 21, 1937 Life magazine.