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Fishing Facts Magazine 1982 December


Fishing Facts Magazine 1982 December


Contents:  America’s Best Waters For Giant Pike (Until recently, few anglers realized how many big Pike were swimming in these waters), Keys To Help You Catch Bass In Florida (Some timely tips for those fishermen heading south to “Get one for the wall”), A ‘Real Man’s’ Guide To Fishing (‘Real Men’ usually get the fish while “wimps” generally come home empty-handed. How much drive and determination do you have?), Big Trout Thru The Ice – When, Where And How (There are days when the trout may feed all day long. But you’ll still have to know when, where and how! These facts will help you answer these questions), Secrets Of A Successful Shore Angler (First of two parts. – A skilled shoreline angler, picking the best situations throughout the year, can easily outfish an unknowledgeable angler who owns the best boat and equipment), Cold Water Means Hot Sauger Action (Dig out your fishin’ gear, some warm clothes and head for the river. The Sauger are biting!), Put New ‘Life’ In Old Lures For More Bass (Those old favorite lures don’t get to be “favorites” by not producing fish. Here are some of the best, plus some helpful tricks to make them even better) Departments – Editorial (What times are these?), Our Residents Say, Fishing Digest, Fishin’ Stuff, Your Fishing Questions Answered, Fishing Talk

Issue:  December 1982

Condition:  Very Good