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Fishing Facts Magazine 1979 April


Fishing Facts Magazine 1979 April


Contents:  Early Season’s The Time For Trophy Pike (A veteran angler shares 25 years of knowledge and experience chasing trophy pike. When you approach the challenge of hunting a lunker, these are the facts you should know); Where You Can Catch Walleyes After The Spawn (Early season walleye fishing can be somewhat unpredictable. Yet, a small fraternity of experienced walleye enthusiasts have learned there are ways to tip the odds in their favor); Buck Talks Fishing – For Spring Bass, Be Sure To Check Out These Areas (During early spring (pre-spawn), fishing can be quite tough for many fishermen. This is the time fishermen must learn to check all potentially productive water); Are Our Lakes Being Fished Out? (No longer are there just a few anglers in an area who can “damage” fish populations. This in-depth three year study on bass reveals some startling facts); Rods & Reels – The Latest Scoop (In recent years the fishing tackle industry has showered us with a multitude of quality equipment. These tips can help make your selection easier); Bluegills Love Bugs (Bluegills are eager insect feeders, and this makes them extremely vulnerable to anglers who know how to use artificial “bugs”); Hot Crankbaits You Can Make Yourself (Caution – making your own lures can become an addictive hobby. Not only is it fun, but each lunker landed on a homemade lure gives you an extra feeling of accomplishment) Departments – Editorial (A report to our owners); Our Readers Say; Subscription Order Forms; Fishin’ Stuff; Subscription Order Blanks; Front Cover Original Oil Painting (A largemouth bass mistakes a plastic lizard for a predator robbing the spawning bed)

Issue:  April 1979

Condition:  Very Good