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Field & Stream Magazine 1993 May


Field & Stream Magazine 1993 May


Contents:  Without A Net (Sometimes fishing is almost as relaxing as walking a tightrope across the Grand Canyon), Revival Of The Fittest (Aquafarming is giving depleted Atlantic Salmon runs – and anglers – a second chance), Fishing The Light Way (Matching line to the size of the fish is the key to light-tackle angling), America’s Bird (This special section is dedicated to His Inscrutable Highness, the Gobbler, who has gone from near-extinction to national obsession), Making The Right Call (When choosing the proper Turkey call, don’t forget the one that’s stood the test of time), Portraits In Bronze (Herewith, a hunter’s celebration of the illustrious Gobbler quartet), Friendly Fire (The dangers of Turkey hunting are real. Here’s how to lessen them), To Hit A Turkey (Is it hard to bag a Gobbler? Yes. Why? For reasons you haven’t thought about), Attitudes (Turkey hunting success is not measured by what is – or is not – in the game bag), Managing Eden (Yellowstone Park’s hands-off style of management may yet be the death of it), Sizing Up New Rivers (No two waters are exactly alike, but all share some common characteristics), Biking For Bucks (Cycling to your hunting site won’t alarm Deer; in fact, they’ll never notice your arrival), The Pike Man Of Drumshanbq (In this small town in Ireland is a lake fit for monsters – and a fisherman fit for that lake) Midwest Edition – Despite the bounty of Black Bass, hefty hybrids are the hottest happenings on Oklahoma’s Skiatook Lake. Also, anglers interested in alternatives will find an overflow of opportunities in South Dakota’s northeastern most Lakes; and another tick is suspected of spreading Lyme disease in the Midwest Departments – Up Front, Cheers & Jeers, Hill Country, Conservation, Sportsman’s Project, By The Way…, Fishing, Boating, Shooting, Solunar Tables, Tap’s Tips, Gun Dogs, Books & Comments, Finally.

Issue:  May 1993

Condition:  Very Good