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Field & Stream Magazine 1993 April


Field & Stream Magazine 1993 April


Contents:  Dances With Gobblers (Native Americans have created some of the best Turkey hunting in the U.S.), Field & Stream Jr. (Roaming Alligators; all about Buzzards; plus, start your own outdoor journal), Details, Details (Tired of living with failure? Here’s a way out), Fishing Across Canada (Discover the little-known fisheries that add to the great sport found in the Far North), 3 Northern Stars (These Canadian fly-in fishing destinations are an angler’s wish come true), Trip Savers: A Dozen Dos And Don’ts (From bugs to weather…here’s how to prepare for a trip to the north country), Flipping (Bass in heavy cover demands a special approach), The Mayfly Murders (Uncovering what insects Trout are really taking can be a tough case to crack), A Real Elk Hunt (When the goal is to put Elk meat in the freezer, you can’t waste time looking for trophy antlers), The Metamorphosis Of Marble Eye, Why Walleyes? (The marble eye has a special mystique, unfathomable to some, that is gradually winning it respect), True North (Where stars shine bright and Walleyes bite, a man can come to terms with change), Think Big! (The Walleye is moving out of the Midwest into more and larger waters all across the country), Unconventional Tactics For Walleyes (Casting crankbaits offers nontraditionals a new way to catch an old favorite), Heavy Metal (Spoon jigging is a winter tactic that’s a hot alternative for taking warm-weather Walleyes), Grandpa And The Kid (The sport of trapshooting can teach new tricks to anyone, including old hunters) Midwest Edition – Anglers eager for Walleye magic will find it fishing the reefs and flats surrounding Ohio’s Bass Islands. Also, three species offer awesome action on the Illinois River during the month of April; it’s prime time for Turkeys in some Midwestern states; and fishing regulations change in Michigan Departments – Up Front, Cheers & Jeers, Hill Country, Conservation, Field Guide, By The Way…, Fishing, Shooting, Vehicles, Tap’s Tips, Gun Dogs, Finally.

Issue:  April 1993

Condition:  Very Good