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Field & Stream Magazine 1992 April


Field & Stream Magazine 1992 April


Contents:  Brook Trout (There’s nothing like springtime brook Trout to make you want to go on fishing forever), Bird Car (This vehicle doesn’t come from a factory; it’s a work of art created by a hunter, and his bird dog), Voting For The Environment (The politicians you elect this fall can have a profound impact on the environment) One For The Wall (An expert angler and an professional photographer shows you how to have your fish and release it, too), Field & Stream Jr. (Crickets…homemade flies…aiming a rifle…and more in this special section for young sportsmen), Grandpa And The Kid (One of the best lessons a fisherman can learn is how to take – and enjoy – what he gets), Turkey School (If you think it’s tough to study gobbler hunting in the classroom, just wait until you’re out in the field), Off The Edge Of The Map (It was during the rut, and the mouse were easy marks – too easy for a true hunter), Hunting With Hawks (This sport of kings is no mere hobby, it’s a way of life), RBR – A Sportsman’s Legacy (Though less well known than his nephew, Robert Barnes Roosevelt was an important conservationist), The Rites Of Spring (One of the greatest pleasures of the season is fishing for bluegills on their beds), Gift Trout (The first trout of the season may bear a gift that lasts a lifetime), Fishing Across Canada (New hotspots – brimming with opportunity – are uncovered in this look at angling north of the border), Six Top Drive-To Canadian Fishing Spots (You don’t have to take a wilderness trek to find good fishing in Canada) Midwest Edition – Bass fishing regulations are putting anglers on the horns of an ethical dilemma. Also, sportsmen experience the best of both worlds when visiting the Midwest’s leading hunting/fishing destinations; and, it’s time to talk turkey in Indiana. “In By The Way…” a paddlefish poaching ring. Departments – Up Front, Cheers & Jeers, Bill’s Country, Conservation, Gearing Up Fishing, Shooting, Vehicles, Tap’s Tips, Gun Dogs, Finally

Issue:  April 1992

Condition:  Very Good