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Field & Stream Magazine 1991 August


Field & Stream Magazine 1991 August


Contents:  Snagged (Even the best anglers get their lures caught between rocks and other hard places), Hunter, Hunted, Hunter (When a man loses a part of himself, how does he get it back?), Pier Pressure (A hopeless situation sometimes can net unlikely results), The Light Touch (To take more Trout when dry-fly fishing, presentation and drag-free drift are more important than a “perfect” pattern), Compounding: The Dilemma Of That First Bow (Here’s how to make the right selection…without a degree in physics), Grandpa And The Kid (When nature warns that it’s time to go home, you’d better listen), High Noon (Contrary to popular belief, you can catch largemouths under a hot midday sun), The Art And Science Of Stalking Pronghorns (Antelope can out-see you and out-run you, but not if you out-think them first), The Big Ugly (Arguably the homliest fish swimming in freshwater, Flathead Catfish are also the most exciting to catch), Going To Extremes (Late summer and low water force trout anglers to go to extremes), An Inch Of September (This early in the season, bowhunters consider every elk a trophy, and will do anything to get one), Joe Messinger’s Fabulous Frogs (The deer-hair frog is a Bass fishing classic, thanks to the imagination of a former coal miner), Anti-Hunting 101 (A unique class at West Virginia University takes a scholarly look at emotional hunting issues), How To Have More And Bigger Fish (Restoring degraded fisheries is possible, but only when fisheries managers look for long-term gains), Field & Stream Jr. (Terrific trout lures…garden pests that catch fish…arrowheads…gun safety…best fishing times) Midwest Edition – August offers eager gunners plenty of opportunities to sharpen the shooting eye. Also, brave the Midwest’s sauna-like weather and you can catch enough crappies for a fine summertime fish fry; and renew a favorite childhood pastime angling for Illinois cats) Departments – Up Front, Cheers & Jeers, Hill Country, Conservation, Books & Comments, Shooting, Fishing, Saltwater Fishing, Vehicles, How It’s Done, Tap’s Tips, Gun Dogs, Exit Laughing

Issue:  August 1991

Condition:  Very Good