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Field & Stream Magazine 1990 August


Field & Stream Magazine 1990 August


Contents:  Nine Reasons to Hate Catfish (Or, how to come to terms with the undisputed champ of piscatorial ugliness.), Hot-Weather Crappies (Action for the most popular panfish heats up this season.), Roger’s River (Where rivers work their magic, brief encounters turn passing anglers into friends for life.), Getting Chummy with Perch (Pull these palatable fish out of their summer slump with a tactic most familiar to saltwater anglers.), Summer Strategies (To catch fish, you have to find them, and to find them, you have to know how and where to look.), Grandpa and the Kid (The best part about fishing is that you never know for sure how things will turn out.), Fishing on Top (If you can fool surface feeders into striking, you’ll experience one of the greatest thrills in angling.), The Big Fly (Nothing stirs the heart of a fly fisherman – or the interest of a large trout – like the appearance of a big fly.), High-Pressure Bucks (To take big deer where everyone else takes little ones, simply change the way you hunt.), Muddy Waters (There comes a time to forget fly rods and feathers and get down and dirty with a monster paddlefish.), Native of the Wild West (The cutthroat trout’s untamed spirit survives in Western wilderness lakes and streams.), Getting an Angle on Bass (With some simple geometry, you can put a winning slant on your largemouth strategy.), Where The Antelope Play (Finding a pronghorn’s harem has become the key to locating his home on the range.)

Issue:  August 1990

Condition:  Very Good