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Field & Stream Magazine 1985 December


Field & Stream Magazine 1985 December


Contents:  Confessions of a Mail-Order Addict (It’s a dependence of unusual intensity, and medical science can order no cure.), Openings and Closings (For some, the season ends the first day. For others, it cannot end until the final hours.), One Man’s Classics (In the lexicon of sporting terms, classic means durable, beautiful, functional.), Muley Myths (Seperating fact from fiction in their first step in the evolution of a mule deer hunter.(, Northern Flights (“There was a time when we had it all…), Longjohn Luck (Many hunters surrender to cold weather. Those who don’t may reap it’s benefit.), Same Elk, Different Hunting (Like it or not, fee hunting is rapidly changing the character of big-game hunting in the West.), Zern’s Age Revealed! (On the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee birthday, we salute one of the greatest humorists of our time.), Jingle Bones (What better way to spend Christmas than bonefishing on a South Pacific island named for the day.), Finding Whitetails in the Hunter Herd (Ten simple steps can set you apart from the crowd.), Think Small, Think Charter (Big doesn’t always mean better.), Is There a Giant Fish in Your Future? (If some exciting new fisheries projects work out, you may be catching huge salmon, trout and bass packing before long.), Grandpa and the Kid (Only when the blacktail deer hunt was over did the kid really understand how special the event had been.) Midwest Edition – Midwest residents, distracted by deer season, often forget about winter opportunities that ruffed grouse hunting in December. Also, snow geese along the Missouri Rilver and Ohio waterfowling on Lake Erie in “By the way…”, Wisconsin cancels its bear season. and Ontario vaccinates skunks. Departments – Editorial, Cheer & Jeers, Solunar Tables, Conservation, Hill Country, Ted Trueblood, Discoveries, Bounty, Fishing, Books & Comments, Shooting, Saltwater Fishing, Vehicles, Reader’s Corner, Tap’s Tips, Gun Dogs, Did You Know?, How It’s Done, Exit Laughing

Issue:  December 1985

Condition:  Very Good