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Field & Stream Magazine 1984 December


Field & Stream Magazine 1984 December


Contents:  The Moment Of Truth (It comes quickly, with the pull of a trigger or the setting of a hook); Special Times (Some outings beg for the company of a friend, other times it’s best to go it alone); Tricks (Fishing with a boatload of gear can’t hurt, but it won’t necessarily help, either); Snow Grouse (Hunting in the autumn woods is classic, but hunting in the winter woods is better); Topwater Lakers (Strange, indeed, is any place where lakers swarm like sharks and fall for saltwater flies); Christmas Guide For Sportsmen (Here, at long last, is an absolutely infallible solution to your gift-giving problems); Henry Vaillancourt: Birchbark Canoe Builder (In the incomparibly skilled hands of one dedicated man, a nearly lost art survives); Bucks At The Buzzer (You can still fill your tag at the end of the season, but you have to know how. Here’s the way); Bear Myths (When the topic turns to bears, all too often fancy overrides reason); Predatory Man (It was a brief encounter in the Texas brush…and it was as old as man himself); The Irresistible Crayfish (Bass and Trout are just wild about crayfish, which is why you should be, too); Holiday Gift Section (Some specially selected outdoor items that have stood the test of time) Your Local Outdoors – A guide to the best hunting and fishing in your area Departments – Editorial; Cheers & Jeers; Solunar Tables; Did You Know?; Ted Trueblood; E.B. Mann; Conservation; Hill Country; Bounty; Camping; Boating; Fishing; Shooting; Reader’s Corner; Tap’s Tips; Gun Dogs; How It’s Done; Exit, Laughing

Issue:  December 1984

Condition:  Very Good