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Field & Stream Magazine 1983 October


Field & Stream Magazine 1983 October


Contents:  Late-Season Trout (Why not take advantage of a Trout’s instinct to fatten up before winter?), Letter To A Young Deer Hunter (The most important lesson of the first season is that the learning lasts a lifetime), Catching Muskies (If Muskies have been avoiding your offerings, then its time to try a new approach), The Buddy System (All for one – or is it one for all? It depends on who your friends are), Ringneck Ruminations (Modern farming methods have altered pheasant habitat, yet this hardy bird hangs on), The Art Of Standing Still (Remaining motionless for hours on end is a skill a stand hunter should develop), Berry Bears (Sweet, luscious berries concentrate numbers of otherwise unpredictable black bears), Bluefins On The Move (The long migration of the giant tuna is one of the marvels of the sea), The Flocks Of Autumn (Calling gobblers may be exhilarating, but this is the season for stalking), The Silent Hunt (Getting within bowhunting range of a muley is a feat in itself), Woodcock Watch (Understanding weather patterns and habitat will help the woodcock hunter) Your Local Outdoors – A guide to the best hunting and fishing in your area Special Elk Section – Calling Elk (If you’ve a bugle without success, here’s the reason why you’ve failed), Drop-Camp Elk (When planning an Elk hunt, a drop camp is an alternative that’s exciting and affordable), Look And Listen For Elk (Your eyes and ears…and knowing how to use them…can make the difference) Departments – Editorial; Cheers & Jeers; Solunar Tables; Hill Country; Ted Trueblood; Did You Know? (Freak Antlers); Bounty; Conservation; Saltwater Fishing; Fishing; Reader’s Corner; Shooting; Camping; Vehicles; Tap’s Tips; Gun Dogs; Sportsman’s Shopper; Exit Laughing

Issue:  October 1983

Condition:  Very Good