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Field & Stream Magazine 1983 July


Field & Stream Magazine 1983 July


Contents:  The Ratty Fly (Battered and tattered beyond recognition, it’s nothing more than a frazzled remnant of tying thread. But it works); Gifts Without Trumpets (Most of the best gifts in the outdoor sports are the kind that, properly handled, can be made to appear as accidents); Where Fisherman Go Wrong (Just because you’ve discovered the world’s greatest fishing hole doesn’t mean you’ll be able to catch any fish); Pork Rinds And Lilly Pads (Bass fishermen can learn a lot from cat-and-mouse games when it comes to luring Largemouths from a shady spot on a hot July day); The Blue Damsel Sage (Here’s a “new” fly to fool summer Trout in high-country lakes when damselflies are everywhere, watched by hungry fish cruising and waiting); A Game Of Wits (Pursuing Pronghorns involves a sophisticated version of a child’s game. Master the technique and you’ll get your buck every time); Hell’s Canyon Float Fishing (Rafting the Snake River between Oregon and Idaho on a cruise through the world’s deepest gorge is a wild way to catch Trout and Bass); The Billfish Wars (U.S. big-game anglers are angry about the destruction of highly prized Billfish by foreign vessels longlining inside the Fishery Conservation Zone); The Fun And Challenge Of Stream Bass (Often you get but one chance for a pinpoint cast when you float a river. Miss the target by a foot or so and a Bass may not see the lure); Simple Fly Fishing (Trout are no smarter than other fish; they just seem that way to the beginner. But once you know the basics, flies will work for you); Magic Blades (Big fish tend to be cautious, but the whirling blades of propeller lures can drive them absolutely bonkers) Your Local Outdoors – A guide to the best hunting and fishing in your area Departments – Cheers & Jeers; Editorial; Solunar Tables; Hill Country; Did You Know? (Name that fish); E.B. Mann; Conservation; How It’s Done (Rig your decoys); Bounty; Shooting; Fishing; Camping; Vehicles; In Gear; The Tackle Box; Tap’s Tips; Sportsman’s Shopper; Gun Dogs; Exit, Laughing

Issue:  July 1983

Condition:  Very Good