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Field & Stream Magazine 1983 April


Field & Stream Magazine 1983 April


Contents:  Retrospect of a Salmon, Smiling (The Scottish countryside was wonderful, but the salmon weren’t taking.), Getting Cued For Far Trout Waters (You could get lucky and find a generour local expert, but why risk it?), Trout (As if by magic, wild trout can lead you to another time and place.(, Fudd and the Float Tube (His brilliant ideas worked – until he was sabatoged by a smart=aleck duck.), “Cuda – Seafood’s Russian Roulette (Eating this reef fish is a dangerous game, with your health at stake.), Spinning Equals Bigger Trout (A fly fisherman speaks out if favor of a good method for taking trout.), Turkey Hunting Mistakes (Once you know what you’ve been doing wrong, things will go better.), In Search of Swiss Trout (Switzerland offers classic trouting and European charm.), The Great Pike Transplants (No longer just “northerns” pike now thrive in the East, South and the West.), You’ve Got to be a Hunter (To take a bull elk with a bow requues a lot more than luck.), Get Hooked on Pickerel (The chain pickerel is a lively marauder willing to strike almost any lure.), Return to the River (The Rio Grande has changed, but the good things remain the same.) Your Local Outdoors – A Guide to the Best Hunting and Fishing in your Area Special Bass Fishing Section – Fishing For Big Bass (By using the right techniques, you can hook wall-hangers more often.), Getting Started on Bass (You don’t need a boatful of equipment, but you do need the basics.), Finding Bass in Small Water (The odds are with you if you know the rules.), Catty Ways to Con Bass (If the bass menu says catfish, serve ’em up and enjoy the results.) Departments – Editorial; Cheers & Jeers; Solunar Tables; E.B. Mann; Ted Trueblood; Hill Country; How It’s Done (Dressing up your bait); Conservation; Bounty; Fishing; The Tackle Box; Shooting; Saltwater Fishing; Vehicles; In Gear; Camping; New Afloat; How It’s Done (Space-Age Groundtables); Reader’s Corner; Sportsman’s Shopper; Gun Dogs; Exit Laughing

Issue:  April 1983

Condition:  Very Good