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Field & Stream Magazine 1982 August


Field & Stream Magazine 1982 August


Contents:  Trout After Dark (Fishing large flies for stream trout at night is your best bet during August.), Deep Bass L:ove Crawlers (When the heat drives largemouth down, a deductive crawler will bring them back to life.), Warm-Weather Mule Deer (Summer muleys are not the wandering gypsies most hunters believe them to be.), Pike By Degrees (Water temperature is the key to getting a savage northern to strike your lure.), Grizzly Hunt In Alaska (The dream of a trophy bear was fading fast – until a special day dawned.), The Secret Lives Of Trolling Lures (An experiment reveals surprising results of speed and line on diving plugs.) Fishing – Everything You Ever Wanted To Konw About Fly Fishing (If you think you know what fly fishing is all about, you are in for a little surprise.), Low-Water Salmon (There are several courses of action to take when Salmon just won’t be tempted.), Wading For Bass (Sometimes going on foot is the surest ticket to lunker bass.), Gems Of Hopper Fishing (A mealy grasshopper is irresistible to trout no matter how high the temperature.), Bass Tricks Take Catfish (Your favorite bass fishing outfit can yield incredible action from feisty cats.), Making The Most Of Oily Fish (Grilling and broiling are just two ways to cook oily fish.) Hunting – Birds Galore (For a Texan, Grouse shooting on the Scottish moors was a fantasy come true.) Other – Come In Out Of The Rain (Outdoorsmen are prime targets for lightning strike, but you can be prepared.) Your Local Outdoors – A Guide To The Best Fishing and Hunting In Your Area.) Departments – Ted Trueblood, Fishing, Editorial, Cheers & Jeers, Solunar Tables, Hill Country, Conservation, E.B. Mann, Shooting, Boating, The Tackle Box, Vehicles, Tap’s Tips, Camping, New Afloat, Sportsman’s Shopper, Gun Dogs, How It’s Done, Exit Laughing

Issue:  August 1982

Condition:  Very Good