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Field & Stream Magazine 1979 February


Field & Stream Magazine 1979 February


Contents:  The World of Trout (Shades of brown.), Six Billfish on a Fly (The Grand Slam of Billfishing.), First Buck, World Record Brown Trout, Bonus: Local Features Fishing Features – Two-Sense Fish Dinners, Shades of Brown, Boating for Bass, The Grand Slap of Bullfishing – On a Fly Rod!, Streamers: Always Admired, but Seldom Fished, Field & Stream’s Annual Fishing Tackle Report, “New” World Record Brown Trout, World Record Fish, Lure Yourself From the Winter Doldrums Shooting Features – How to Hunt the Whitetail Deer with a Nick in his Ear, First Buck Other Features – The Outdoor Photographer Your Local Outdoors – A Section of Fishing and Hunting Features on Your State and it’s Neighbors

Issue:  February 1979

Condition:  Very Good