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Field & Stream Magazine 1971 March


Field & Stream Magazine 1971 March


Contents:  The Stump Merchants (What are the real economics of timbering Alaska’s national forests.), Prospecting for Mountain Trout (A new way to strike it rich out West.), Spring Bear Down East (A Maine woods hunt for the big black bear.), The Mini-Est of Mobile Camps (A low-profile, low-budget camp on wheels.), What’s Your Survival Quotient? Are you prepared to be lost in the great outdoors?), Putt, Putt and Gone (Alarms and Excursions on a Mississippi wild turkey hunt.) Where To Go – Terrible Temperature Ptarmigan (Way-below-zero hunting at James Bay, Ontario.), The Trout Agitator (A visit to a New Mexico river with a local expert.), Big Sails and Marlin Too (Exploring a great new fishing ground off El Salvador.), Barrier Reef Marlin (Down Under, there are monsters waiting to be caught.), Montauk: Small Boat Paradise Photo Stories – Shark!, Shooting Across the World Humor – How I Gave Up Fly Fishing and Became a Credit to the Community How To Do It – How’s Your Wildlife Terminology, Skin a Squirrel in a Minute, Easy Way to Catch Worms, Cook With a Can Opener, How to Get Hooked on Tarpon, New Tricks for Crappie, Go Light for Kings, Pole Fishing for Bass Bushes, How to Lure Lazy Pike, How the English Hunt Rabbits, The Sportsman’s Notebook

Issue:  March 1971

Condition:  Very Good