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Field & Stream Magazine 1971 August


Field & Stream Magazine 1971 August


Contents:  Solunar Tables for August (Forecasting when fish and game will be feeding each day.), The Case for the Lung Shot (The idea is to get a sure kill with the least damage to the meat.), A Beginner on Elk (A Hoosier cuts his elk teeth in Montana’s Bob Marshall Wilderness.), Acorns at Seven (Knowing what foods deer in your area prefer can improve your chances.), Are You Tough Enough to Hunt Big Game (Western guide examines the physical requirements of a mountain hunt.), Lion of a Lifetime (Bowhunt for the Pope and Young world record cougar.), All About Game and How to Hunt It (A bibliography of publications and movies on the shooting sports.) Where To Go – Land of the Blue Wolf (Spectacular – and unexpected – trophy caribou hunt in British Columbia.), Best Hunting Spots in Canada and Alaska (A guide to best hunting spots in the great game fields up north.), The Many Seasons of South Pass (Where antelope play among still-living remnants of our frontier history.), Whitetails in the Black (Wyoming’s Black Hills are a promised land for deer and hunter alike.) How To Do It – Tan Deer Hides (Preserving the skins is easier that you’d think.), Fly-Tying Grab Bag (Homemade gadgets that can lighten your feather work.), Spin a Better Bass Bug (Some ways to cut down on hair-body problems.), The Fundamentals of Deer Stalking (Whether you hunt with bow or gun, the challenge is getting up close.), To Catch a Steelhead (It can only help to know how experts manage their consistent success.), The Sportsman’s Notebook (No matter what shape they’re in, spinners have a fatal allure.), Keep Leather Alive (How to clean various kinds of leather goods.), Fall Salmon Snagging (A popular way to help nature’s balance.)

Issue:  August 1971

Condition:  Very Good