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Field & Stream Magazine 1971 April


Field & Stream Magazine 1971 April


Contents:  The Imminent Death of San Francisco Bay (An inquest into the killing of a great fishery and natural wonders.), Fishing Schools Gain in Popularity (Some sporting goods stores are teaching, too.), Remembering Great Men and Great Fish (Recollections of Hemingway and Marlin by a noted saltwater expert.), Beautiful Blades (Custom knives are works of art as well as valuable tools.), A Quest for Permit (Seeking – and sometimes finding – this elusive gamefish in the Bahamas.), Recreation Vehicles for 1971 (A 3-piece report on what’s new in campers, trailers and motor homes.), Boom in Exotic Big Game (Animals from other lands are thriving in the heart of Texas.), Follow That Fish (The huge salmon in Riveria Inlet, British Columbia didn’t come easy.), Walleye Wonderlake (Wonderful Walleye fishing in Wyoming. An experiment that worked.), Tullibee – The Surprise Fish (A Manitoba Pike trip turns into an inexpected game.) Where To Go – My Greatest Trout Float (A near-perfect day on the Yellowstone River in Montana.), Easiest Trout Fishing Going (Arkansas’ White River has something for everyone – except misery.), Minnesota for Muskies (To catch a Muskie, it helps to go where a lot of them live.), The Menhaden System (Fishermen off Long Island, NY found what big stripers really love.) How To Do It – X-Rays Can Ruin Your Outing (A new peril for traveling photographers.), Pads With a Punch, Make Your Own Fishing Kits, A Fly For All Seasons, Boat Trailer Light Bar, Those Brainy Browns (Fooling brown trout takes special understanding.), Striped Bass With a Fly (Fly casting for linesides in the California surf.), All You Need To Konw About Catching Bass…With a Fly Rod (Including flies, plastic worms, bugs, streamers and pork rind.), The Sportsman’s Notebook, Survival Swimming

Issue:  April 1971

Condition:  Very Good