Fedders Air Conditioners Ad 1961


Fedders Air Conditioners Ad from June 2, 1961 Life magazine.

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Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for how simple and quick installing a Fedders Air Conditioner is. The top line in the ad says “From Carton to Cooling…in 77-seconds”. The two pictures in the ad show a man taking the box off of a Fedders Air Conditioner while his wife watches and the other shows the unit installed in the window and the wife has a look, well, it’s kind of like the first picture. The next information says that you can “Install this Fedders Air Conditioner yourself…Save $25 – $35 in less than a minute and a half!” “Why wait for the air conditioner installer to get to your house when he’s the busiest man in town. You can carry a summerfull of comfort home with you tonight, start to enjoy it minutes after you get there…with a Series-77 Fedders Air Conditioner”. They refer to themselves as the “World’s No. 1 Air Conditioner”.

Source:  June 2, 1961 Life magazine.