Contents: Install A Skylight (Want to brighten up your room? You can do it yourself); Finishing Touches: Trim Molding (New synthetics: They’re cheaper and easier to put up); Finishing Touches: Wallcoverings (Step-by-step guide to hanging papers and borders); Finishing Touches: Painting (Anything but ordinary: Glazes, rag-rolling and more); Whole House Repair Manual (All new! Six fixes for leaks and electrical plugs); TFH Lawn Care Guide (We tackle some of your often-asked questions) Departments – Editor’s Letter; Ask Handyman; Using Tools; How A House Works; Home & Shop Improvements; Saturday Morning Workshop; Woodworks; Handyman Garage; How To Repair; 1-Year Index; Handy Hints
Issue: May 1989
Condition: Very Good