Contents: Choose Between Three Workshops That Fill A Lot Of Space Or A Little, Power Tools You Build From Kits, Make A Leather Shop Apron That Protects You And Your Clothes, One Bedroom Becomes Two As The Children Grow, Built-In Vacuum: An Easy Cleaning System For Your Home, Painting Tools And Tips, Package It Beautifully With The Japanese Tying Method, Share Woodworking With Your Children Departments – From The Editor, Reader Letters, Ask Handyman, Using Tools: (Specialized hammers and nailing tips), TFH Reports: (A fast, powerful sander for wood finishing), Shop News, Coveralls, Designer’s Corner: (How professionals choose and use paint colors), Workshop Projects: (Three projects you and your children can build together), Handyman Garage (Gifts for you and your car), Handy Hints, Shoppers Corner, Blueprints: (Panelized homes that go up quickly)
Issue: December 1983
Condition: Very Good