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Family Handyman Magazine 1981 December


Family Handyman Magazine 1981 December


Contents:  Have Tools Improved In 100 Years? (Veteran craftsman, tool designers and collectors tell us, “Yes, but…”); Light Up Your Holidays (Brighten your holidays with these shop-made centerpieces); Create Your Own Home Media Room (Electronic entertainment lets you enjoy new vistas from your armchair); Design And Build Your Own Bed (After gasping at the high price of a new four-poster, contributing editor Marlyn Rodi built one himself for under $100) Features – Have Tools Improved In 100 Years?; A Rugged Workbench That Will Last For Years (Build this classic bench for your workshop); Build A Wall-Hung Tool Cabinet (Tired of workshop clutter? Try one (or two) of these nifty organizers); Contractor Tools Can Speed Up Home Projects (A big remodeling job ahead? Equip yourself with tools that pros depend on); A Kid’s Climber That’s A Playhouse, Too (This new version of the “Jungle Jim” can stimulate their activity); Keep Houseplants Healthy (How to keep your plants flourishing through the winter); Hidden Tax Breaks For Homeowners (A sharp eye and pencil can boost your tax savings); Best Handy Hints For 1981 (Our readers show their know-how and ingenuity); 6 New Tools For The Home And Shop (We take a close look at the year’s best designs); The ABC’s Of Arc Welding (It’s easy, once you get the knack of it. We show you how); How To Humidify For A Healthy Home (You’ll boost your comfort and lower your heating costs); Revitalize Your Kitchen With A New Countertop (Transform a drab, outmoded kitchen with this one simple project); How To Cut Costs When Buying Or Fixing Appliances (Sylvia Porter provides a host of important do’s and don’ts) Departments – Reader’s Letters; Ask Handyman; TFH Reports (We test two new hammers); Coveralls; 5-Year Index; Handyman Garage (23 tips for better gas mileage); Shopper’s Corner

Issue:  December 1981

Condition:  Very Good