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Family Handyman Magazine 1979 September


Family Handyman Magazine 1979 September


Contents:  You Can Be A Solar Energy Experimenter (Build your own solar system and let the government pay for up to half of it); How Did The Price Of Homes Get So High? (First of a two-part series to show you why your home is a terrific investment); A Conversation Pit For Your Living Room! (A nifty way to plan and build a sunken area into a room of almost any size); Make-It-Yourself Stained Glass (Tips and techniques for duplicating expensive windows at down-home prices); How To Plug Up Heat Leaks (Special report on how to get ready for winter and those rising heating bills); Copy Centers: New Help For The Handyman (How you can take advantage of space-age equipment for projects of all kinds); The Professional Way To Remove Wallpaper (“Off-the-wall” Walt reveals hard-learned tricks to help make this job a snap); Thirty Ways To Save Electricity (The payback is tremendous compared to other ways of trimming utility costs); Tips On Building A Septic System (The basics of septic tanks, plus how to build an entire system by yourself); Slick Ways To Use Paneling (Paneling is showing up all over as homeowners discover its endless versatility); An Easy-Care Dog Kennel (Once you build this kennel, a hose is all you need to keep it sparkling clean); Build A Rustic Outdoor Fireplace (All you need to know to build a special backyard center for outdoor barbeques); The Amazing Sonotube! (How you can make virtually any type of home furnishings from giant fiber tubes) Columns – Reader Letters (Comments, opinions and information from readers); Ask Handyman (Answers to questions to save you time, money and effort); Editors Tests (Evaluations by our editors on tools and other products); Product News (Our columns covering home products just on the market) Departments – Book Reviews (A sampling of helpful reading for the homeowner); Information (Literature on subjects of interest to do-it-yourselfers); Handyman Index (An index reference to the previous nine issues)

Issue:  September 1979

Condition:  Very Good