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Family Handyman Magazine 1968 October


Family Handyman Magazine 1968 October


Contents:  Drills, The Everything Tool (Sooner or later, every do-it-yourselfer finds it necessary to buy a power drill. But what kind should you buy? Here’s a detailed guide that describes the different kinds of drills and the kind of work each can do best. In addition, there’s a helpful quick-reference chart that provides all the information you need to choose the drill best suited to your needs); Supertool (Your power saw can be 26 different tools, depending on the accessory you use. It can be a circular or sabre saw, bench grinder, screwdriver, orbital or disc sander, paint mixer, hedge cutter, polisher or just about anything you can think of); Preparing Your Pool For Winter (What you should know about protecting your swimming pool against winter damage and how to decide whether or not to leave your pool filled); Renew Your Lawn And Garden (Now is the time to plant bulbs, take measures against insects, condition your lawn for healthy growth or even put in a completely new lawn); The “In” Wood Finish (If you like a finish that not only does an excellent job of protecting the wood, yet leaves the surface looking completely natural, you will be interested in this finishing method); Fall Is Fix-Up Time (Maintenance jobs like fixing loose flagstones, caulking, puttying and painting storm windows and installing weather-stripping are easy to do and will keep your home in shape for the winter); Sewing Desk (A very practical and convenient piece of furniture designed with all the simplicity and charm typical of Shaker work. Detailed plans tell you how to make it) Departments – New Products For Old Problems; Shop Talk With The Publishers; Editor’s Tests; Nuts And Bolts; Frauds You Should Know About; Garden Q & A; Ask Handyman Q & A; Booklets You Should Know About; Market Place; What It’s Called And Where To Buy It; Index To Six Previous Issues

Issue:  October 1968

Condition:  Very Good