Fairbanks-Morse Home Water Systems Ad 1930


Fairbanks-Morse Home Water Systems Ad from March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Fairbanks-Morse Home Water Systems Ad 1930Black and white 2 3/4″ x 11 1/4″ ad for their Home Water Systems. The ad has a picture of a cold and wet housewife carrying two buckets of water toward the house from the outdoor pump behind her as the rain soaks everything. The ad headline assures you that “For only $75 you can stop this drudgery!”. The ad text explains that for this cost of $75 ($20 down) you could receive a 210 gal per hour size with a 60 cycle AC motor or a direct current. The larger 420 gal per hour unit was available for $107.50.

Source:  March 1930 Better Homes & Gardens.