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Esquire Ad 1947


Esquire Ad from November 3, 1947 Life magazine.


Esquire Ad 1947Full color 9 1/2″ x 14″ ad for their Men’s Socks. The headline says that “Men like…the smart good looks…” under a picture of an attractive woman in profile “…and the fine construction” next to a picture of a smiling woman sitting in a green one-piece bathing suit “of Esquire Socks. Next to a man whose pant legs have been raised so that his socks are visible are the words “Ask for Esquire Socks, gentlemen – and you’ll get: Extra-good looks” and “Extra-fine construction”. It is claimed that they are pretested 5 ways and their price starts at 50 cents. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  November 3, 1947 Life magazine.