Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1969


Equitable Life Assurance Ad from November 14, 1969 Life magazine.

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Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1969Black and white 10″ x 13 3/4″ ad for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. The picture in this ad is of three male children sitting on a street curb. The day seems a little bit cold since they are all dressed fairly warmly but the one boy has a worn sleeve in his sweater. The ad headline asks “Who cares if these kids become dropouts?”. The text indicates that Equitable cares. The future of our country depends on the abilities of the young. That’s why Equitable wants to get as many dropouts as it can back on track to learning. We’re taking part in programs where teenagers work part-time at Equitable while they continue in high school. Offering training and counseling to employees who need special help. Supporting stay-in-school programs across the country. Encouraging Equitable men and women to lend a hand with education projects in their own communities. Whether it’s education…or a Living Insurance program for a family…helping people build a better life is what Equitable is all about”.

Source:  November 14, 1969 Life magazine.