Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1962


Equitable Life Assurance Ad from November 23, 1962 Life magazine.

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Equitable Life Assurance Ad 1962Black and white 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of The United States. This ad, with a title saying “Look Ahead”, has a young boy sitting at the breakfast table, flexing and trying to see just how much “arm muscle” he has. The ad text says that “To keep a little boy growing costs a lot of money. You can make sure the money will be there – even if you are not – with Living Insurance from Equitable. Money to care for him, clothe him, educate him. Money for your own retirement, too, if you live. With Living Insurance from Equitable, you can build security without risk for your whole family. Call The Man From Equitable. Find out how it pays to look ahead with Living Insurance…from Equitable.

Source:  November 23, 1962 Life magazine.