Enna Jetticks Ad 1952


Enna Jetticks Ad from September 22, 1952 Life magazine.

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Enna Jetticks Ad 1952Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the new Enna Jetticks Shoes. At the top of this ad, it says that they have “New Lower Prices – $9.95 and $10.95” and, if that didn’t get you thinking, I don’t know what would. The text says that “When you see fashions like these and feel foot-easing comfort like this in the same pair of shoes, they’re The New Enna Jetticks. They have four different shoes shown, two high-heel shoes and two medium-heel shoes, and there is a drawing of a lady resting in a very nice lounge chair dressed in a very enticing purple gown and wearing what looks like one of the shoes shown for perusal.

Source:  September 22, 1952 Life magazine.