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Easyrider Magazine 1997 November


Easyrider Magazine 1997 November


Contents:  Shot Through The Heart (Dean Henne’s bullet-hole-seated Softail rakes in the awards); Wide Rubber (Paughco fits Jim Dressi’s ’91 FXLR with a 200-series rear tire); Blood Red On Black (Easyriders product guru brings his first ground-up custom to life); Silver Bullet (Sean Cook’s ’95 chopper is pure intravenous-injected adrenaline); He’s Going Going Gone (Lovely Hania sparkles on Allen Laribee’s ’89 Softail); Victory For American Riders (Polaris introduces their American-made scoot) Readers’ Rides – Kurt Godek and his 1993 Pro Street; Charlie Corkum and his 1986 FXSTC; M.C. Alvarez and his 1968 FLH; Munk and his 1979 Shovelhead Fiction – Obituary – The tale of puttin’ pride and peril Off-The-Wall – Safticycle Survivor (A rare ride makes its way from Wisconsin to Arizona) Events – Laconia ’97 (Wild women and scoots galore at the nation’s oldest bike event); Easyriders Rocks Wilson (The season opener twisted through the South) 1998 Harley-Davidsons – New Model line-up (The latest and greatest from the Motor Company) Service Department – Ready To Roll (Bandit’s project bike is on the verge of greatness); Pickin’ Fork Tubes (Measuring for front end ground clearance step-by-step); Pucker Power (Feuling’s 4-valve heads and CVX can increase your torque) Columns – Spider; Short Strokes; Rip’s Run Departments – Wordmonger; Parts Box; Easynews; Hall Of Fame; What’s Happening; Passin’ Gas; Tech Letters; F.I.G.H.T. Update; In The Wind; Fox Hunt; Fox Hunt Winner Hania; Biker’s Bulletin Board

Issue:  November 1997

Condition:  Very Good