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Easyrider Magazine 1997 December


Easyrider Magazine 1997 December


Contents:  Yellow Fever (Stephen Ragonese cures his V-twin virus with a shot of FXST.), Without A Bike You’re Not A Biker. Period (Jeff Moroni’s black-attack Knucklehead.), Hi-Tech (Heidi sizzles on Tom Karp’s Special Construction S&S street scorcher.), Captain America of the ’90s (Check out Mike D’Orazio’s Philly freedom machines.), Where’s The Fire (Paul Wheeler’s Pan cop bike gets a ticket from Officer Melanie.), Road Test (Hightailing it on Confederate’s hot rod Hellcat custom.) Reader’s Rides – Rick Reichmann’s 1948 Panhead, M.C. Alvarez’s 1968 FLH, James Climenhage’s 1979 Shovel, Easyriders of Detroit’s ’68 Electra Glide Fiction – D.J., Quake Day, And The Copy – Top Bop Just another Easyriders Christmas party. Off-The-Wall – Girls of the Easyriders Web Site (Doing the internet boogie – Easyriders style.), Biker Types (Snake uncovers the Roles and port world of Rich Urban Bikers.) Events – Sturgin ’97 (Choppers, the open road, and a week of ridin’ and partyin’ with solid bros.), Toy Run ’97 (‘Tis the season – here’s our country wide guide to giving.), Howlin’ In Hollister (Bringing it all back home – 50 years later.) Service Department – Don’t Force It, Coerce It (Tricky tips on pullers, drifts and presses.), Rigid Tamer Seat Shocks (Chopper Guy’s take the rough out of rigid.), Iron Man (The newest sheet metal goodies from Milwaukee Iron.) Columns – Spider, Short Strokes, Rip’s Run

Issue:  December 1997

Condition:  Very Good