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Easyrider Magazine 1996 August


Easyrider Magazine 1996 August


Contents:  Forever Wild (Nicolas Chauvin builds wife Geraldine a ’95 Sporty with a French twist); An Ugly Idea (Cliff Grayson sticks to his guns and builds a bad-ass 1954 FL); The Ragged Edge (Cover girl drools over Travis Hill’s 103-inch ’96 Softail); Never Enough (The fatter the better for Michael Pugliese’s beefed-up Softail); Carrying The Torch (Craig Addiego keeps the flame alive on his 1995 Hot Rod Shovel); First Place Pan (1958 was a good year for Mike Cleary and his FLH) Readers’ Rides – Laurie Van Note and her 1985 Sportster; Larry Miller and his Special Construction Pan; Steve Markley and his ’87 Softail Custom; Mike Roth and his 1951 FLH Panhead; John Passeri and his ’94 Dyna Glide; Steve Abbotts and his 1991 Sportster Fiction – Two-Wheeled Love: balls-to-the-wall fiction by K. Randall Ball Off-The-Wall – Steve Mykolyn heads out on the highway with Metal Leather Flesh; Homer Does Sturgis (One bro’s odyssey to the Black Hills Classic Events – Pre-Sturgis Guide (Everything you need to know – and more – about Sturgis ’96; Durango (Modern desperadoes meet up with Native AmerIcan heritage) Service Department – Crafty Caps (More than just a pretty way to bottle your fumes); Monster Drive (Get the skinny on fatter belts for your big-inch Twins); Valve Tricks (Pump up your performance by opening up those heads) Columns – Spider; Rips’ Run Departments – Wordmonger; Easynews; Hall Of Fame; Short Strokes; Passing Gas; Tech Letters; F.I.G.H.T. Update; Bros Club News; What’s Happening; In The Wind; Fox Hunt; Fox Hunt Winner Rayveness; Parts Box

Issue:  August 1996

Condition:  Very Good