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Easyrider Magazine 1992 December


Easyrider Magazine 1992 December


Contents:  Bike Features – Bob Dron’s red hot ’92 FLSTC combines the look of the past with the shape of the future., It took Dennie and Don 12 years to put together this pretty pan o’ pieces., Sparky got lucky when a certain lady hung the stockings with care on his ’66 Shovel., Bill McCormick’s ’64 Pan provided the inspiration as Fox JoJo unwrapped a special present., With his stylish ’78 Swingarm Shovel, Dave proves you can have a sporty, riding custom. Foxy Rider – 1973 Shovelhead/Jan Manning Reader’s Ride – 1985 FXWG/Dennis Mikhael Events – The Girls of Sturgis (These Black Hills beauties give you a sensuous taste of what the 52nd Rally had to offer.), Easyriders Rodeo – Middletown, New York (ARROW vets and first-time rodeoers rock upstate N.Y, with weather-to-be-damned performance.) Features – Non-Fiction – Harleys In The Holy Land: The Harley riders of Tel Aviv do their scootin’ on sacred sand. Fiction: A Christmas Story by Ron Ryczek (Bro braves the elements and overcomes adversity to make a special holiday putt.) Articles – Tech Tip: A Lesson in Sheet Metal, Hall O’ Fame, Toy Runs, Easyriders Guide to Magnetos, Dyno Test #1, Flyin’ Free: Jan Shares Her Feelings, Fox Hunt winner JoJo, Tech Tip: Project Putt Engine Tech, Tech Letters

Issue:  December 1992

Condition:  Very Good