Dutch Masters Cigars Ad 1956 November


Dutch Masters Cigars Ad from November 19, 1956 Life magazine.

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Dutch Masters Cigars Ad 1956 NovemberBlack and white 5 1/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for Dutch Masters Cigars. This ad says the “End of a perfect day…” over a picture of a man who has, obviously, spent the day hunting with his dog. He is sitting there with his shotgun between his legs, one hand on the head of his dog and the other holding the Dutch Masters cigar that he is smoking. The text tells us that “As the wintry dusk deepens, the hunter calls it a day. And a rewarding day it has been! Exhilarating hours in the open air…a bagful of table-bound trophies…and the wonderful satisfaction of Dutch Masters Cigars. Whatever you’re doing, tastefully mild Dutch Masters contribute greatly to your enjoyment. Try the Belvedere, just 15 cents. Also available in crushproof 5-Packs. Other Dutch Masters shapes from 2 for 25 cents to 25 cents each”.

Source:  November 19, 1956 Life magazine.