Dreft Ad 1954


Dreft Ad from October 1954 Good Housekeeping.

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Dreft Ad 1954Full color 7 1/2″ x 10 1/2″ ad that has BEFORE and AFTER photos that prove just how safe Dreft is for your hands. The first photo shows a woman at the kitchen sink holding up a glass she has just washed while saying that Dreft cuts grease the fastest way ever!” and that it “Actually gets dishes cleaner…without any wiping at all!”. The next picture shows her dressed up for a night-out and she is holding a fan with her hands prominent while making the claim “,,,and yet Dreft is so SAFE for my hands!”. The text in the ad is about half-devoted to the job it does cleaning your dishes with the other half devoted to the safe care of your hands.

Source:  October 1954 Good Housekeeping.