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Doral Cigarettes Ad June 1971


Doral Cigarettes Ad from June 25, 1971 Life magazine.


Doral Cigarettes Ad June 1971Full color 9 3/4″ x 13″ ad with a title of Doral makes Waves!. The ad has a cartoon storyboard about the Captain being taught by his parrot, Polly, about how good Doral cigarettes are. It starts with him sitting in his chair in their building alongside the wharf and he says, “Come on, Polly, sing your old Captain a sea chanty”. At this, the pack of Doral cigarettes that is floating in the air responds, “Taste me, Taste me”. He then asks her, “Where did you learn that one?” to which she responds, “No, Captain, that’s Doral – the low tar and nicotine cigarette”. He closes one eye and responds, “Low tar and nicotine and it sings of taste? Mutinous!” to which, the bird reply’s “Try one, you old son-of-a-gun!”. The cartoon ends with the Captain smiling as he smokes a Doral and says Doral, you taste good, and you sing better than that darned parrot” as the floating pack sings “Taste me” and the bird responds “Get lost!”

Source:  June 25, 1971 Life magazine.