Dodge Raider Ad 1988


Dodge Raider Ad from October 6, 1988 Rolling Stone.

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Dodge Raider Ad 19881989 Dodge Raider – Full color 9 1/2″ x 12″ ad that tells you to “Hang Tough”. The picture, that is about 3/4 of the ad, shows a man sitting on a rock with his chin in his left hand and behind him, perched high on a rock that seems to be difficult if not impossible to get on, is a Blue Two-Door Raider sitting there absorbing sun. The text says that this truck “is everything you’d ever expect from a rugged import sport utility”. And there we have it, an import Dodge vehicle. The text says that “an available new fuel-injected V-6” and “on-demand 4WD” as well as “a wide range of amenities”.

Source:  October 6, 1988 Rolling Stone.