Dodge Pickup Truck Ad 1967


Dodge Pickup Truck Ad from November 17, 1967 Life magazine.

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Dodge Pickup Truck Ad 1967Dodge Adventurer Pickup – Full color 9 1/2″ x 12″ ad for this Pickup able to lead a Double Life. The ad has a photo of this truck leaving the farm late in the afternoon, “when the day’s over for ordinary pickups”. The young lady driving it stops to pick up a high school football player in uniform ready for the game. The last picture shows it parked a few feet off the football field as players celebrate and the ref holds his arms up to indicate a touchdown. The text talks about some of the features and options that make this capable of being both a truck and a comfortable ride and mentions that there are “27 Dodge pickups that give you more truck per buck”.

Source:  November 17, 1967 Life magazine.