Dodge Charger Ad October 1968


Dodge Charger Ad from October 1968 Hot Rod.

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Dodge Charger Ad October 1968Charger R/T – Full color 8″ x 10 3/4″ ad that identifies this car for what it is, a “Wailer”. We see a picture of a Red Charger R/T from the front parked in a lonely, desolate area of sand. The text mentions the Split Grille being one of the few features that will give away the fact that this is a monster-in-waiting. It mentions a few other visible features such as the Hurst Competition-Plus Shifter, the Twin 2 1/2″ pipes and the Wide Tread Tires before beginning to mention what is under the hood. It lists what was the Standard Charger R/T Equipment, an impressive list it is, before the single Optional item which was the 426 Hemi.

Source:  October 1968 Hot Rod.