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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2007 March


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2007 March


Contents:  Balance (“As the bow-hunter sat on the stand that afternoon, one thought caused him to lower his brow, unclip his harness and climb down”); Deer Research – The Social Aspect Of CWD (“Our research editor examines the new scientific reports that reveal how CWD is spread among whitetails of various age classes”); Tree Stand Tips For Shotgunners (Racked bucks like the thick stuff once the shotgun season gets underway, and the best way to waylay one is to get above the brush); How To Hunt Skinny Trees (All serious hunters encounter the problem: a perfect spot with no perfect trees to hand a stand. Here’s how to do it – and tag deer!); The Pros & Cons Of Propellants (Muzzleloading hunters benefit from an ever-growing selection of cleaner-burning, better-performing propellants. Here’s a comprehensive look at what’s our there); Deer Hunting For A Living (Wouldn’t it be cool if you could get paid to eat, sleep and breath deer and deer hunting? The author reveals the harsh realities that come with the dream); Deer Behavior – Bedding Areas In The Big Woods (Big-woods bucks are never lax about their sanctuaries. Here’s how to unravel the bedding secrets of deep-forest whitetails); How To Get Your Hands On A Booner For As Little As $250 (Guided shed-hunting trips are surging in popularity across North America, with the big-buck haunts of Canada ranking as the best places to go. Here’s how you can get yourself some record-class antlers at a surprisingly low price); 25 Ways To Never Punch A Deer Tag (If you want to bag a deer this season, can the negative attitude and adopt a flexible hunting plan. If you don’t want to bag a buck, follow these tips!); Better Bucks On Public Land (The author explains why he believes hunters everywhere can successfully band together to improve deer and deer hunting on any state, federal or county forest – no matter how big or small the property); Deer Browse – Three Deer With 1 Shot! (In October, 2006, a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources specialist found three dead deer in the middle of a hay field. There was no blood, no drag marks and no vehicle tracks leading to the deer. What killed them?); 10 Steps To Better Hunting Arrows (It isn’t for everyone, but building your own arrows can drastically improve your bow-hunting success – and enjoyment); The Phantom Buck (That was the name the old-timers gave this sage, old buck. They had all seen him. Everyone, that is, except him) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Reader’s Recoil; Rue’s Views; Candid Whitetails; Buck Shots; Whitetail Archery; Quality Deer

Issue:  March 2007

Condition:  Very Good