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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2006 September


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2006 September


Contents:  Act Like You’ve Been There (The author uses a legendary coach’s words to explain why he thinks deer hunting celebraties have lost touch with the real world); The Tiger Ridge Experiment (After much planning and legwork, D&DH-TV unveils its version of Extreme Makeover…in a hunting land edition); Deer Biology – Hypovolemic Shock In Whitetails (The more we understand how deer respond to arrows and bullets, the more effective and humane hunters we can become. Here’s an inside look at the physiology of fatal wounds); Deer Management – Get Your Bucks In A Row! (Our Southern field editor reveals which ingredients are needed to produce and maintain quality deer…and deer hunting opportunities); Deer Hunter Behavior – Are We Inching Toward Europe? (Gloom-and-doom prognosticators say American deer hunting is headed toward elitism. The author examines this theory); Tips For Tackling The Big Woods (If you have ever hunted an unfamiliar chunk of big woods and thought, “It all looks the same, where do I start?” this article is for you); The Monarch Of Deer Valley (Learn how a former D&DH editor finally caught uup to the 21-point buck he’d been chasing for years) Cover Stories – Early On Alfalfa (Learn why early season bow-hunts in farm country might be better than any other time of the season, including the rut); Get Down For The Peak Of The Rut (Tagging a buck from ground zero takes some planning, especially when whitetails hunker down for the rut’s climax); Cutovers: Why Nasty Is Nice (Whether it’s a pine or oak forest, fresh cutovers provide ample food, wicked cover and secure travel routes for wary whitetails); Deer Research – How Baiting Affects Deer Behavior (Here’s a look at what scientists know about how baiting affects daytime deer activity and deer behavior in relation to bait sites); Deer Hunting Strategies – Getting There Is Half The Work (To outsmart more whitetails, it’s crucial to make sound exit and entry strategies for all your tree stand and blind locations); When Success Is Secondary (Want to have some real fun in the deer woods? Try taking a deer with an Ishi-era stickbow…or a gun from Daniel Boone’s day); 10 Odd Jobs For Your ATV (If you’re using your all-terrain vehicle merely as a means to get from Point A to Point B, you’re not tapping its full potential. Here’s how you can really put that rig to work) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Rue’s Views; Candid Whitetails; Quality Deer; Deer Browse; New Gear For ’06; Buck Shots; Spirit Of The Wild; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go; Deer Hunting With The Cows

Issue:  September 2006

Condition:  Very Good