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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2006 November


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2006 November


Contents:  Whitetail Brotherhood (Life is filled with change and challenges, but some things stand the test of time); Top 10 Tree Stand Setups (Here are some tips to help you scout less and hunt more this fall); A Closer Look At Scrapes (Are whitetail scrapes really worth your time and hunting effort?); Deer Research Gut Piles: Toxic Waste Sites? (Our research editor pours over new scientific studies and sheds light on the potential dangers lurking in deer gut piles and carcasses); Deer Biology The Amazing Deer Liver (This biology lesson will teach you to become a more efficient hunter and blood trailer); Tips For Scoring Bucks On The Hoof (Here are some quick tips on how to score a buck’s rack before you pull the trigger); Saskatchewan: The Land Of Giants (Want to hunt the Great White North? Here’s a few things you might want to know!); Texas: Supermodel Buck Realities (Bringing home a Lone Star monster requires more than just determination); Kansas: A Bow-Hunter’s Dream (Getting a Kansas archery tag wasn’t easy, but the author sure made the most of it) Special Big Buck Hunting Section – Find Next Year’s Buck Now! (The meat pole might be sagging, but it’s not time to head home…it’s time to get back in the woods and scout for next season); Keep Up With Hot Food Sources (Learn how to increase your deer sightings by following the whitetail’s food vendors throughout autumn); How Big Is He? (Our Northeast field editor explains how you can estimate a buck’s size based solely on the size of the tracks he leaves behind); Does With Fawns: Shoot Or Pass? (An original Stump Sitter contributor debunks a deer hunting myth that’s as old as his grandfather’s red-plaid hunting jacket); Muzzleloading Blast Off! (An early season black-powder hunt can bring all the excitement of the regular season – minus the crowds and unpredictable weather); Deer Browse Waterbug Whitetails (Here’s proof that deer are not averse to paddling their way to food or safety); Closing Day (The disappointment of not tagging a deer is often overshadowed by the sadness that yet another deer season is almost over) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Rue’s Views; Candid Whitetails; Buck Shots: Iowa Brute!; Quality Deer; New Gear For 2006

Issue:  November 2006

Condition:  Very Good