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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2006 December


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2006 December


Contents:  What It Takes To Become A Really Good Deer Hunter (Our Northern field editor shares the whitetail wisdom he’s garnered in more than 40 years of hunting and studying deer); Deer Research Breeder Bucks: Myths & Mysteries (A D&DH exclusive! New DNA research debunks what many biologists and expert deer hunters thought they knew in regard to so-called dominant bucks); The Ones That Got Away (Sometimes there’s no easy explanation for abject failure when that buck of a lifetime steps into shooting range); Harnessing Pressure (Learn why traditional methods are counterproductive when hunting heavily pressured lands, and discover the keys to ambushing mature bucks); Become A Bloodhound! (A veteran big-woods deer hunter, who happens to be a former master hunting guide, provides his tactics for unraveling tricky blood trails); A Closer Look At Calibers And Loads (Here are the factors you should consider when deciding whether or not to switch to high-performance deer cartridges); What’s Wrong With This Deer Gun? (Almost all shooting problems are fixable…if you are patient enough to diagnose their root causes. Here’s how to turn your ordinary deer gun into a tack-driving champ) Special Gun-Hunt Section – The Truth About Shotgun Hunting (For years, deer hunters have been told that shotgun-only zones are necessary because of safety issues. Are shotguns really safer than centerfire rifles? The author investigated, and uncovered, smoe surprising nationwide statistics); Whitetails 365! (This special 10-page section explains how you can grow better deer and experience better deer hunting); Deer Behavior Whitetils And The Atlantic Effect (Learn how deer react – and often battle for their lives – when Gulf Stream low-pressure systems collide with Artic high-pressure fronts); Deer Management Road Games In Deer Country (Nearly 1 million deer are killed each year by automobiles. Here’s a closer look at the problem and what’s being done about it); Deer Browse Healthy Herds Require Veteran Moms (New research suggests that hormone-induced alterations of a white-tailed doe’s brain over time may be the deciding factor in how good – or bad – a mother she will be to her fawns); Celebrate The Hunt (Autumn is the perfect time to celebrate deer and deer hunting – and everything they mean to our families and communities) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Rue’s Views; Candid Whitetails; Buck Shots; Whitetail Archery; Quality Deer

Issue:  December 2006

Condition:  Very Good