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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 September


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 September


Contents:  Couples Games (Are you one of those guys who doesn’t want to “go down that road” of introducing your wife or girlfriend to deer hunting? Here’s why you might want to reconsider); Pressure-Cooked Whitetails (A veteran public-land deer hunting guide reveals his four-prong approach to consistent success when he’s forced to share the woods with every other Tom, Dick and Harry); The Metaphysics Of Deer Blood (Learn why the secret to the whitetail’s power, stamina and self-treatment capabilities lies in its unique blood chemistry); Deer Management How To Enhance Native Forage (Nutrition is one of three critical principles to a healthy deer herd. The author explains what they are and what other variables can affect well-intentioned land managers); Convert Your Deer To Groceries (From dragging deer out of the woods ungutted to cooling meat with ice water, the author reveals some highly unorthodox – yet highly effective – venison processing tips); There’s Room For All Of Us! (Must deer hunters really pit themselves against each other if their herd-management ideologies are not the same?); Is This The Biggest Doe Ever? (The doe Larry Ridley bagged on Thanksgiving morning in 2002 might rank as the best in deer and deer hunting history) Cover Stories – How Wind Affects Deer Behavior (Improve your odds of outsmarting more deer by learning the science behind wind, thermals and air currents); Early Season Rub-Line Secrets (If you think rub lines are only productive during the rut’s three stages, you might be missing out on some of the best action yet!); Deer Research – How Behavior Affects Sex Ratios (Did you know that stress from the rut can affect whether a doe gives birth to males or females? Our research editor reveals what scientists have learned about this phenomenon); Deer Behavior Farmland Study Debunks Myths (A D&DH exclusive! Years worth of telemetry data indicate that farmland deer move much differently than their big-woods cousins. The author reveals why); Get Wild About Remote Hunts (The author has used nothing more than a canoe and a never-say-die attitude to routinely pull huge bucks out of some of the most remote whitetail haunts. Here’s how you can do it, too); Jerky: The Ultimate Health Food (These simple instructions will provide prime snack food…that you can re-freeze); Ohio’s Sling Blade Buck (The author ended an amazing four-year quest for a drop-time buck when he arrowed the monster 24-pointer last November) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Buck SHots; Rue’s Views; Candid Whitetails; Quality Deer; Deer Browse; New Gear; Spirit Of The Wild; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go; How To Trap A Trespasser

Issue:  September 2005

Condition:  Very Good