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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 November


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 November


Contents:  Uncle George’s Last Buck (We’re only blessed with so many deer seasons. How you remember them – and those of your loved ones – is what count’s most); Climb The Ladder One Rung At A Time (The author explains the detailed approach he and his family use to help make the rookies in their deer camps hunters for life); Diehard Tactics For Big-Time Whitetails (Want to bag the biggest buck of your life? Adopt these time-proven tactics); Stump Sitters’ Deer Of The Year (These eight tremendous whitetails were taken by none other than your fellow D&DH readers); What A Drag! (It’s the question all big-woods hunters face: “How am I going to get the deer out of here?”); Deer Hunting History Venison: An American Tradition (Was venison – not turkey – the main course at the first Thanksgiving Day feast?); Buck Fever: Myth Of Mystery (Here’s a look at what scientists have learned about hunting’s most dreadful affliction) Cover Story – Deer Research Is Localized Deer Management A Panacea Or Wishful Thinking? (Some deer researchers believe locally abundant whitetails can be effectively managed by removing the family groups. Our research editor examines the data behind this theory); Which Buck Should You Shoot? (Our Southern field editor reveals his tactics for field-judging mature whitetails); Deer Behavior 10 Hours Of Madness (Spectacular photos! Here’s an inside look at the froth and fury that takes place during a whitetail breeding party); The Diaphragm Shot: Tricky But Awfully Deadly (Learn why some fatal wounds can create especially puzzling blood trails); Doe Strategies For Hunting The Rut (Here’s why you sometimes have to think like a doe to get the drop on a rut-crazed buck); Take Your Hunt To The Deer (When waiting on stand stops being fun, it’s time to get up and make things happen. Follow these tips for a more enjoyable hunt); A Bona Fide Alabama Slammer (Learn how Darrell Daigre and Lanny Wallace used an aggressive rattling sequence to dupe what very well might be Alabama’s first Booner of 2005) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Rue’s Views; Quality Deer; Candid Whitetails; Buck Shots; Deer Browse; New Gear; Ted Nugent’s Call Of The Wild; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go; The Drive

Issue:  November 2005

Condition:  Very Good