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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 June


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 June


Contents:  Deer Hunting’s Darkest Hour (What happened on Rice Lake, Wis., on Nov. 21, 2004 should forever change how we all look at this pastime we hold so dearly); Deer Research Boom & Bust Whitetail Herds (Our research editor examines the variables that allowed pre- and post- settlement deer herds to swell – and sometimes crash – in the Upper Great Lakes region); Deer Behavior How Newborn Fawns Race Time (Amazing photos! Learn how a white-tailed fawn can go from the womb to a wobbly ruminant in mere hours); How They’re Carrying On Old Traditions In The New South (This year marks the 112th anniversary of Alabama’s Dollarhide Deer Camp. Here is a fascinating look back at the rich history of this extraordinary Soutnern destination); Activated-Carbon Clothing: Can It Really Fool A Deer’s Nose? (Despite being hot sellers for nearly a decade, activated carbon garmets still attract criticism. Before making up your mind, learn the facts behind the technology); Great New Gear For 2005! (Here’s an in-depth look at the hottest new bow- and gun-hunting products revealed at this year’s two major hunting trade shows); The Science Of Modern Archery (Improve your archery skills – and become a better bow-hunter – by understanding the technical aspects of arrow flight); Hunter Behavior The 5 Stages Of Deer Hunting (The heart and soul of the American white-tailed deer hunter is clearly defined in five stages. Where do you rank?); Deer Hunting Heritage The Romance Of Jacklighting (Jacklighters were rough-and-tumble characters who personified the New Frontier. And, although it might be called “poaching” by today’s standards, that shouldn’t diminish jacklighting’s important place in deer and deer hunting history); Buck Shots First-Time Archer Thought Huge Buck Wasn’t Enough (Here’s the amazing story behind a California man’s quest to become a bow-hunter – and the 178-inch result of his first hunt); Deer Browse Tuberculosis Plan Shows Promise (With the help of hunters, Michigan researchers are devising more effective test for finding TB in free-ranging deer); 21st Century Hero (To avid D&DH readers, Charles Alsheimer is more than just a byline they’ve been seeing for 25 years. He’s an inspirational leader) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Rue’s Views; Buck Shots; Quality Deer; Deer Browse; Candid Whitetails; Spirit Of The Wild; Hunter’s Library; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go

Issue:  June 2005

Condition:  Very Good