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Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 December


Deer & Deer Hunting Magazine 2005 December


Contents:  Trigger Man (When lady luck shines upon a deer hunter, he had better be ready…and have some good-hearted campmates who are willing to help with the dragging); Deer Biology The End Of Every Deer (Every deer dies of the same thing, whether it’s shot by a hunter, falls victim to winter starvation or gets hit by a car. Here’s how it happens); Seal The Deal (All that pre-season scheming usually comes down to a few pivotol moments during gun season. Here’s how to make sure you perform when your big moment arrives); Shotgun Wedding (The nation’s foremost slug-gun expert explains why state-of-the-art slugs are the perfect match for today’s whitetail shotguns); Centerfire Caliber Considerations (Our Southern field editor explains why he believes smaller-caliber rifles are often the best choices for many deer hunters); Deer Browse Buck Surprises Bird Watchers (When the snow started flying in Ontario last winter, an incredible 19-point buck made a surprise visit at this D&DH subscriber’s back yard) Cover Stories – Deer Hunter Behavior Scientists Stalk The Deer Hunter (Hunting has been the primary management tool used by states to control deer herds. However, to manage deer properly, biologists know they must learn what makes hunters tick); Deer Research Why The Rut’s Timing Is So Critically Important (Our research editor examines the hard facts behind what really cues when, why and how whitetails reproduce); What Is Top-End Antler Growth? (Reaching top-end antler growth is no easy feat and requires a host of factors all working together. Here’s a look at what to expect when it all comes together); Smokepole Report Card (Many states prohibit modern equipment during special muzzleloading seasons. Take the author’s test to see how your state measures up to the rest of the country); The Handgun Challenge! (Learn how handgunning can add a new wrinkle – and added difficulty – to your next gun deer season); Guess Who’s Back At Deer Camp? (A large predator is pushing steadily eastward, and that has some researchers wondering if low-density deer herds can handle it) Departments – Editor’s Stump; Readers Recoil; Deer Browse; Rue’s Views; Quality Deer; Candid Whitetails; New Gear; Hunter’s Closet & Where To Go; Now He Slinks

Issue:  December 2005

Condition:  Very Good